My life

Lurching from one disaster to another...just a suburban princess trying to get by!

Sunday 25 December 2011

Have yourselves a merry little Christmas...

As I write this we are sitting in a sparkling clean house, food (and booze) in the fridge, presents under the tree, ready to go...except that we have a teenager (who could sleep through a riot, and kinda did a few days ago, but that is another story)...and he isn't awake yet despite the Christmas CD blaring!  The older kids will be coming for lunch...always a good thing.

Our hairy house guest is pottering around the garden enjoying himself...the cats are furking through the gifts...

Unfortunately the cats aren't as welcoming, they head for the hills when Wilko is in the house!

... I am reflecting on our blessings, which are many (even if I don't recognise them most of the time), and wishing you all a safe and happy festive season.

Jo  xxx

1 comment:

  1. Wishing you a wonderful Christmas. The weather up here in sunny QLD was perfect, I reckon! :)


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